

In a world where information is abundant but truth often elusive, our Journalism Club stands as a steadfast guardian of integrity and accountability. Rooted in the principles of ethical journalism, we are on a relentless quest to unearth the stories that matter most. With unwavering dedication to accuracy and fairness, we illuminate the hidden narratives within our community, amplifying voices that deserve to be heard. Our mission is clear: to inform, engage, and inspire. We foster a culture of curiosity, empowering our members to ask probing questions and unveil the deeper truths that shape our world. Through the art of storytelling, we forge connections, bridging divides, and promoting empathy and social awareness. Join us in this noble pursuit, as we nurture the next generation of ethical journalists and storytellers, committed to the pursuit of truth.


The Journalism Club's objective is to serve as a steadfast advocate for accountability by adhering to unbiased reporting and ethical journalism principles. We aim to cultivate a culture of curiosity among our members, encouraging them to confidently pose challenging questions and unearth concealed truths shaping our world. Utilizing the art of storytelling, we seek to establish connections within our community, bridging gaps in understanding and sparking empathy and social awareness. We invite individuals to participate in our unwavering quest for truth, fostering the growth of the next generation of ethical journalists and storytellers who contribute to societal enlightenment. In the Journalism Club, our objective is to bring purpose to every story, shedding light on the most significant issues.
The major objectives of the proposed mission are to:
❖ Our Commitment to Truth: Upholding the core principles of journalistic integrity, we are dedicated to providing a reliable source of news and information to our community.
❖ Nurturing Curiosity: Our club serves as a platform for inquisitive minds to flourish, encouraging members to delve deep, ask probing questions, and unveil the facts that impact our lives.
❖ The Power of Storytelling: Through the art of storytelling, we transcend the boundaries that divide us, creating narratives that resonate with our audience and foster a sense of empathy and social consciousness.
❖ Join Our Journey: We invite you to be a part of our journey as we embark on a relentless pursuit of truth and empowerment, shaping the ethical journalists and storytellers of tomorrow.
❖ Fostering Media Literacy: We are dedicated to enhancing media literacy within our community by helping individuals critically analyze news sources, discern misinformation, and become informed consumers of media.

Our Partner

Club Student Body


Club Head


Club Co-Head






Public Relations


Representative - CSE


Representative - ECE


Representative - AIDS

Club Completed Events

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